How to recognize and embrace your feminine energy.
Feminine and masculine energy - we all have it, and we all need it to express ourselves fully. But how do we know what is innately masculine or feminine, and how do we balance the two energy types out?
This is a commonly asked question by many women who feel stuck in life, or who feel they aren’t being authentically themselves. The argument made by some is that women need to be feminine 100% all the time in order to “succeed”, but I believe that is wrong. There are times we need to take a more masculine approach to our lives, and having the two opposite energies balance each other out is a much easier and more relatable way to live than to force yourself to be hyper feminine if that isn’t really you.
If you do want to tap more into your feminine energy, here’s 9 ways to lean into your feminine side day to day.
1) Allow people to help you more
The feminine energy is centered around receiving rather than giving. If you are someone who constantly is rejecting any help with, “It’s okay I got it!”, try to allow others to help you. Let someone open the door for you, pick up your things when you drop them, or any other helping hand people offer you - learn to take it more! Stop rejecting and start receiving.
2. Allow yourself to feel your emotions deeply
Stop holding back your tears or apologising for your “bad emotions”. Feminine energy is centered around feeling, and a big part of feeling is having inner wisdom and intuition. Learn to listen to your gut and allow all of the emotions, good and bad.
3. Be More Creative
The feminine is associated with creativity, whereas the masculine is associated with logic. When was the last time you painted or danced? Your feminine energy will thrive if you just allow it to flow in the creative space. You don’t have to be good at it, it’s about the feeling you get when being creative, NOT the finished product.
4. Nurture others
Treat others with the upmost care if you want to be more in tune with your feminine energy. The feminine is associated with maternal energy, the ability to look after others and be compassionate. If you want to be more feminine, learn to take care of those around you, give them your nurturing energy and you will feel innately more feminine.
5. Connect with nature
Feminine energy is associated with mother earth, including all of nature’s beings. You can practice grounding to connect with nature as your physical body connects to the earth. Or you could learn to admire the beauty of creation, be kind to all animals that cross your path.
6. Sensuality and presence
Feminine energy is deeply connected to the senses and being in the present moment. To feel more alive and connected to your body, take time to sensually experience the everyday things such as taking a bath, making your bed or doing your hair. Slow down your movements and feel the senses to be more in tune with your feminine energy.
7. Allow yourself to be vulnerable
Similar to some of the previous points made, the feminine energy is all about being connected to your emotions. Know that it’s okay to make mistakes, to feel embarrassed, to be your authentic self, to be bad at things. The feminine energy is not afraid of vulnerability nor does it have to be perfect, but it is real and honest and here in the moment.
8. Do more of what makes you smile
The feminine is fun and playful, whereas the masculine is the energy needed when we have to “get things done”. To embrace your feminine side - don’t take everything so seriously! It’s healthy and encouraged to laugh, joke and be playful in your everyday. The feminine is not the voice of reason, it is the voice of expression.
9. Healing and transforming yourself and others
The reason women are so drawn to things like caregiving jobs, yoga and mindfulness is because we typically have more feminine energy, which is connected to the power of healing. Being a healing presence whether it’s through your cooking, your advice or maybe just your inviting home space, is extremely feminine.
I hope these tips can help you start to acknowledge and embrace that beautiful feminine side to yourself. We all have it, some people’s is more obvious than others, but it is there nonetheless. Learning to work with both feminine and masculine energies can be life changing to yourself but also others that are around you. Go out and spread that feminine magic✨