10 Foods for better brain health
Everything we eat impacts our body, just like if you have a car it needs the right fuel to function at it’s best, your body needs the right fuel to be happy and healthy. Often we focus too much on how food will impact the way we LOOK, rather than the way it makes us FEEL inside. Food should be a source of energy to ensure all your systems are working, your body is growing and everything aligns smoothly. So instead of focusing on low carb this and high protein that, start to ask yourself - how does this food serve me?
The brain is directly impacted by our diet, many studies have shown how poor nutrition leads to brain deficiencies, so it’s super important to feed our brains for better cognitive function and overall mood!
Here are my top 10 foods for better brain health:
1) Turmeric
This powerful spice is filled with a compound called curcumin, which has an antioxidant effect between the blood flow and the brain, and has been suggested to reduce inflammation, boost serotonin and dopamine and potentially improve memory.
2) Mackerel
Any oily fish is super high in Omega 3, which is a vital fatty acid needed for brain function. Increasing your intake of Omega 3 can massively improve memory and cognitive function.
3) Blueberries
These little guys are full of antioxidants, specifically flavonoids. These are suggested to protect the brain from oxidative stress (which is when your body doesn’t have enough antioxidants to fight free radicals). So eating more blueberries may contribute to reduced stress levels!
4) Pumpkin seeds
These are loaded with zinc, iron, magnesium and copper. All of which support brain development, nerve signaling and reduce the risk of brain fog.
5) Dark chocolate
(My personal favourite on this list), dark chocolate contains flavonoids, caffeine and plenty of antioxidants that boost blood flow to the brain, enhance memory and focus. So stop feeling guilty about eating chocolate - it can be good for you!
6) broccoli
Any cruciferous veggie counts here, but broccoli is my preferred choice as it is packed with Vitamin K. This vitamin helps to build something called sphingolipids, which basically help build your brain cells (how cool!).
7) Oranges
I’m sure you know already the benefits of adding more Vitamin C into your diet. But did you know that this vitamin actually helps to combat free radicals (unstable molecules in your system), which in turn supports your brain health? Now you have another reason to get some Vitamin C into your diet…
8) Green tea
Green tea has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries, as it contains high levels of polyphenols, moderate levels of caffeine and an amino acid called L-theanine. These help to improve our alertness, bring us a sense of calm, enhance mental focus and reduce feelings of anxiety. To all my matcha lovers out there - matcha has all of these benefits too!!!
9) Eggs
Eggs have a something called choline in them. Which is a nutrient that helps produce neurotransmitters that regulate both our mood and memory.
10) Walnuts
The last but definitely not the least, these little nuts are full of a type of Omega 3 fatty acids. Which you should know by now, are great at supporting cognitive function and overall brain health.
Always be mindful as to what food you put inside your body, of course food is a form of pleasure and not all food has to have a health benefit in order for it to be okay to eat. But ensure that roughly 80% of the food you put in your body serves you in some way, whether it’s to help your brain or gut health, to give you strength through protein, or to keep you satiated through healthy fats. Food is meant to be fuel.