Yoga to release emotional blockages and boost feminine energy
Yoga teaches us about the chakras, which are basically 7 points in the body that store and release energy. You can imagine them to be like little energy cogs that run along the centre of your body, in line with your spine from the root (perineum) all the way up to the crown of your head. These energy portals cannot be seen or touched, they are FELT on a much more spiritual level.
Unfortuantely, these chakras aren’t always working the way they should due to our individual lifestyles and external factors and therefore we can face blockages…
When there is a blockage, we face emotional and sometimes even physical issues which can be hard to overcome. But if we use a holistic approach and practice things like yoga, we can help to unblock these chakras and boost our energy, giving us our spark back again!
With that said, here are 10 yoga poses that release blocked emotions and bring new energy into the body:
1) Child’s pose (balasana)
This is a classic asana that we all know and love. Some people struggle to feel any physical effect of this pose but I believe it is meant to be more of an emotional relief. As we stretch the entire back of the body and bring a sense of calm with our head on the mat - child’s pose restores our nervous system and promotes peace.
2) Camel Pose (ustrasana)
This deep backbend helps to open the heart chakra, the chakra most associated with feelings of love both of others and the self. By practicing this intense pose you may feel the urge to laugh or cry, release pent up emotions and maybe if the pose hits you that deep - confess your love!
3) Goddess pose (utkata konasana)
This grounding posture activates our root (Muladhara) chakra which is associated with the feeling (or lack of) control and stability. Practicing this when you feel overwhelmed can help to relieve those anxious emotions. Plus the name tells you that this pose is a form of honouring the goddesses, so you will be sure to feel super confident when practicing this one ladies!
4) Pigeon Pose (eka pada rajakapotasana)
Any hip opening asanas can induce this effect. The hips are connected to our emotions and past traumas and it is said that opening the hip flexor muscles helps to relieve us of said trauma. Offering a sense of emotional detox.
5) Bridge pose (setu bandhasana)
Once again, a super intense heart chakra opener which has a serotonin (happy hormone) boosting effect.
6) butterfly pose (Baddha konasana)
Whether you do this seated or in supine (lying down), the effect is the same. Opening those hips to release past traumas and emotional tension to allow new and positive energy into the body.
7) Dancer’s pose (natarajasana)
Such a graceful pose that is bound to make you feel confident, I always envision a swan when practicing this pose as it is just so elegant and feminine! If you want to feel that vital feminine energy - try this pose!
8) Standing forward fold (uttanasana)
As you stretch the entire back of the body, especially the hamstrings which are so often tight for most people, notice your worries slip away and feel the emotional release.
9) Cat Pose (Marjayasana)
Mobilising your spine helps to release the blocked energy in the chakras and bring about a sense of stability and calm.
10) Cow pose (bitilasana)
Often practiced with Cat pose, these two poses together help you to create gorgeous spinal waves which boosts your vitality and overall energy.
Hope this blog post helped! 🩷