10 foods for happy hormones during your menstrual cycle
It’s so important for us women to help our hormones during the different phases of our cycle. Hormones such as estrogen and progesterone rise and fall according to the phases which can effect our mood, appetite, sleep quality and other factors of our day to day life. If we can get the right nutrition in to help support our body and lessen any chances of experiencing negative side effects of hormone fluctuations, we can have a happy and healthy cycle each month.
So here’s 10 health foods you can implement into your diet and how they can support your menstrual cycle:
1) Salmon
2) Flaxseeds
3) Garlic
4) Berries
5) Cruciferous Veggies
6) BEans
7) Avocados
8) Whole grains
9) Walnuts
10) MAtcha
Supporting your body during your different phases of your cycle is super important if you want a stress and pain free month. Nutrition is one of the best ways to support your hormones, so I hope this blog post can help!