The power of Mindfulness - learning to enjoy the present moment
Mindfulness - what is it? Why is it suddenly a buzzword in the health space?
By definition, mindfulness is the state of being aware of something, a mental state achieved by focusing on the present moment.
But mindfulness is an umbrella term for something much more complex, it is the technique of understanding and ACCEPTING our emotions, thoughts and other sensations. It is the practice of being content with ourselves no matter what we go through.
This is a hard thing to master, and many people will never achieve a complete state of mindfulness nor should they, part of healing is going through different emotions and riding the ebbs and flows of your unique life cycle. But mindfulness is something we all should be working to improve, because when you realise your reality is based on your perceptions - you understand that you have the power to change your reality just by changing your mindset.
It sounds impossible and maybe a bit “woowoo”, but I promise it works. And in this blog I am going to share 10 different ways to be more mindful in your day to day life.
1) practicing gratitude
Giving thanks to your everyday life is a great start at becoming more mindful, when you realise the abundance you have, the more the universe will start to give to you, as you begin to radiate a grateful energy, you are more inclined to receive.
What does this mean in simple terms? Well in short, if you start to be more grateful for things you often take for granted, (like your running water, your new clothes, your best friend, your beloved pet, your full fridge - the list is endless…), the universe is more likely to send you more positive thoughts, feelings and things because you begin to see your world in a better light. Instead of complaining about what you DON’T have, start to write down little things that you DO have and are grateful for. Your mindset will begin to shift to be more positive.
2) MEDitating
Mindfulness and meditation go hand in hand, when you become aware of the sensations you feel whilst meditating, these same thoughts and feelings will carry you through your life to be generally more content and happy. But meditating can be hard to crack, monks spend their life dedicated to achieving enlightenment whilst meditating - so don’t be hard on yourself for not quite getting it.
Just simply sitting with your thoughts for a few minutes everyday will gradually rewire your brain to be less busy and more focused. Meditation helps us to be in the present moment, so take this as a sign to start practicing meditation again. Even for a couple of minutes everyday - the benefits are life changing.
3) Slowing down your mornings
I know most of you reading probably lie in bed until as late as you physically can before you have to get up and start your work day. But you’re missing out on the benefits of having time to yourself in the mornings, even if you can get up half an hour earlier to maybe read a book, go outside, or make a slightly fancier breakfast than usual - this can massively improve your state of mindfulness. Finding more joy in your day to day helps you to romanticise your life and enjoy the present moment more.
4) creating rituals
Similar to number 3, making time to do little things that make you happy is a huge step to being more mindful. If you are someone who rushes your shower after work for no real reason other than to tick something off the list - maybe try to create a ritual around it, so a once mundane task becomes more fun. For example, maybe you set your pyjamas on the radiator to make sure their warm and cosy when you get out, play some music in the shower that makes you happy, have a routine that makes you feel confident (moisturisers, scrubs - whatever you like!). These small adjustments make shower time a precious moment that allows you to have fun in your everyday. Too often we just do things almost subconsciously without taking time to EXPERIENCE what we are actually doing, so whether it’s your shower time, your morning coffee or the daily dog walk - make it more fun!
5) Wear that damn outfit
I know you have got something in your wardrobe that you are saving for a ‘special occassion’ - but isn’t everyday a special occassion? Every waking day you are healthy and able to do as you please, why not celebrate by wearing that outfit? We know clothes massively boost our confidence and overall mood, so stop waiting for the perfect time and place, wear the damn outfit. Bringing more joy and confident energy into our everyday helps us to stay present and be more mindful.
6) Put your phone down
Our parents were right when they told us it was the phones that made us miserable… We spend way to much time absorbed in other peoples lives and drama that we forget to look up and be present in our own. I’m not saying to get rid of the phone or go full digital detox because that is near on impossible these days - but spending time away from the fake virtual world is one of the biggest acts of mindfulness you can do. Instead of talking to your friends online, meet up! Instead of shopping online - go to the shops in person! Instead of looking at other peoples highlights of their lives and feeling envious - look around you and start to enjoy your own!
7) Get more hobbies
Trying to build new skills and interacting with new people is a great way at practicing mindfulness, we as humans get so comfortable in our routine we often don’t try to switch it up. But part of experiencing life is making mistakes, trying new things, food, people & cultures. If you can, take up a new workout class you have always wanted to try, go and do something you have never done before like painting or pottery. The point is not whether you are good at it, the point is you are experiencing. To live mindfully is to experience everything, so go out and try new hobbies.
8) listen to your intuition
How many times have you had a question and instantly turned to social media, your friends or google to find the answer - probably too many times to count. And although this is an incredible gift we have today in the virtual world, it is also a curse as it stops us from ever making our own decisions. Your mind and body should work cohesively together, when people say to “follow your gut” - they mean listen to what your body is trying to tell you. If you instinctively feel a person or a situation is off and it makes you feel uneasy, stop relying on external resources to confirm your suspicions - listen to your own intuition. When we build a relationship with ourselves and start to trust our gut, we are practicing mindfulness as we gain awareness over our thoughts and feelings.
9) learn to say no
Similar to the last point, but learning to set boundaries with others and prioritising yourself more is the biggest act of self love you could do. It is YOUR life to live, don’t let others dictate what you do and what you think, where possible, start to live vicariously for yourself, not for others. Spending time on your own is not a bad thing, in fact it is great for healing our mental state and brining us peace. So if you’re someone who struggles to ever say no to people because of the fear of hurting their feelings, start to realise that in your life you are the number one priority. Doing things only because YOU want to is a great act of mindfulness as you are aware of what makes you happy and what doesn’t.
10) Move your body
Whether it’s yoga, football or dancing the cha cha cha, moving your body is vital to live a mindful life. Not to mention the health benefits of exercising, the mental benefits are arguably greater. By moving our body we are giving back to it, nourishing it and challenging it all at the same time. We can’t achieve a good mental state without having a good relationship with our body, so whatever way you most enjoy, get up and move!
I hope this post helped - stay mindful !