10 herbs every woman should have in her cupboard

There are so many herbal remedies out there that can help us ladies with problems like PMS, migraines, nausea and more. Yet some of them are kept a secret to keep us buying pharmaceuticals instead…

In this blog post, I will list 10 herbs/herbal remedies I think every woman should at least know about and try to incorporate into their lives.

NOTE - I am not a doctor or a medical professional by any means, but I do know quite a bit about holistic healing. So take this advice with care, and as always - if you have a serious medical problem then please seek professional help.

1) ashwaganda

Ashwaganda comes from Asia and parts of Africa, and it is known for it’s stress relieving qualities. Particularly for women, taking ashwaganda can help regulate our stress hormones which inevitably boosts our energy and libido. Ashwaganda is to be taken with CAUTION though, as some report that taking it too often can make them feel almost “too relaxed”. If you’re someone who suffers from chronic stress however, this could be for you.

2) Chamomile

(More specifically chamomile tea) is one of my personal faves. I LOVE having this before bed, it’s such a calming herb and has been suggested to improve our overall sleep as well. If you are going to start drinking herbal teas - this should be one of them. Have it in the evening and I promise, you will feel so relaxed.

3) Cinnamon

Adding cinnamon to your porridge, banana bread, or even straight into some hot water, is a great way to balance your blood sugar levels (something us ladies often struggle with, as our bodies are less accepting of glucose spikes than men). By balancing our blood sugar, we can hopefully minimise heavy periods. And if you’re a cold girlie - this spice will keep you warm from the inside out!

4) Fenugreek

For any breast feeding women, this plant supports lactation and balances your oestrogen levels. As it keeps oestrogen levels stable - you can expect to feel a boost in libido as well!

5) ginger

For men and women, this spice aids digestion. But for us women, it is thought to ease menstrual pain often felt in PMS. With it’s anti-inflammatory properties, ginger reduces bloating and promotes a healthy and happy gut!

6) Lavender

Not only does this beautiful flower smell great in our body and home products, having it in tea form actually helps to calm our nervous system and support restful sleep. If you don’t like the taste however, opting for body products with this flower can work just as well (as long as the products are organic and actually contain elements of lavender).

7) Maca root

Maca root powder (the most common and available form), is said to boost energy as it balances our hormone levels. Some of us feel fatigued because of our hormones being out of whack - so anything we can take to bring us back to “normal” is great!

8) Parsley

Parsley offers a source of iron, so try to incorporate this herb during your menstrual phase. On top of that, parsley is rich in Vitamin C, another nutrient we are often deficient in during our periods.

9) Peppermint

Peppermint tea can help to alleviate nausea. Peppermint is also great at reducing bloating and aiding digestion, helping with muscle tension and it helps relieve headaches and migraines! If you are going to add just one herbal tea into your cupboard - let it be this one…

10) Raspberry leaf

(I’m really letting you in on how much I love herbal teas in this post), but raspberry leaf can be taken in pill form as well - although tea is the most available option. This plant tones the uterine muscles, which in turn supports your period and eventually will support you in labour! Drinking this tea during your period can help to reduce painful cramping.

NOTE- You don’t have to buy all of these herbs and take them everyday, I just think it’s important to know that there are many natural alternatives to modern medicine. Hope this helped! 🍵


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