The power of lunar cycles

How to practice yoga in alignment with the phases of the moon

The moon is associated with feminine energy, intuition, retrospection and emotional wisdom. Learning about the phases of the moon helps us women understand our own cycles better, as we cultivate self-awareness to our changing moods, energies and overall wellbeing. The stages of the lunar cycle each hold a powerful meaning which can be incorporated into your yoga practice to keep you in your feminine energy, nurture your wisdom and support your hormone balance. Also, practicing in alignment with the phases of the moon acts as a self-care ritual, which we could all do a little bit more!

In this post, I will explain each phase of the moon and how you can honour it in your yoga practice✨

1) New Moon

This is when the moon cannot be seen, this happens when the moon is in between the earth and the sun on it’s orbital path. Only the dark side of the moon is visible to us on earth, hence why it is sometimes known as the invisible moon. During this phase, your yoga practice should focus on rest and resetting your systems. Set meaningful intentions for your practice during this time, What do you want to achieve? What do you want to let go of? Opting for gentle yoga styles like restorative or yin is a great idea here. Poses like Child’s pose, Forward folds or Reclined butterfly are all great choices for this practice.

2)Waxing Moon

This describes any moon between the new moon and full moon, (starting with a waxing crescent moon going all the way to waxing gibbous). The moon becomes more visible each night, energy begins to rise and our intentions we set previously are starting to manifest into reality. During this time, your yoga practice can be focused on strength and power. Strong standing poses like Warrior 2, Chair pose and Tree pose are all great choices. Amp up the energy during this time - your body will have a new lease of life and will be ready for the challenge!

3) Full Moon

When the moon shines bright in all her beauty, the energy is at an all time high and we feel a sense of clarity. During a full moon, you may feel overwhelmed or burnout from the gradual build of energy during the waxing phases, so now is a time to release this energy. Let go of emotions that have been keeping you back and opt for a flow-style practice. Let yourself be more fluid, opt for opening poses like Wild thing or Camel pose. Shine bright like the moon 🌝.

4) Waning Moon

Now the full moon is over, the moon starts to go back into darkness. And we start to feel a decrease in motivation and energy. This phase describes the time the moon becomes less and less visible (from Waning Gibbous to Waning Crescent). Now would be a good time to let go of what no longer serves you before a new lunar cycle starts again. Prioritise deep stretching during this time in poses like Savasana or Pigeon pose.

Other ways to honour the Lunar cycle:

  • Keep a “moon journal” - write down how you feel each day and see if it aligns with the energy of the moon.

  • Practice breathwork in alignment to the wavering energy of the moon

  • Use essential oils, crystals and any other prompts during practice that help release or encourage the emotions you are trying to feel during your practice.

Hope this was an interesting and educational read 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑


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